Friday, June 19, 2009

When is a bead shop more than a bead shop?

Well... when it's Sparkles, of course!

And then it becomes a great place to spend time with friends, work on projects, "hang out", and share tips and techniques. Oh right! AND a great place to buy beads!

Michael and I spent the better part of this afternoon and this evening at Sparkles, sitting around the table talking with Connie (owner and friend to all) and the "Friday night bead club".

(I don't know who had to get up and get out of the picture the day this was taken, but I don't think I've ever been to Sparkles when there wasn't a class at that table (see it in the back?) or someone working on a project.)

Around the table tonight were Connie and her son Carl (who wants Michael to teach him some wire-wrapping techniques), Lisa (working on several projects), Kathy (ALMOST working on a project), Michael (the helper) and me (the talker). We had SUCH a good time!!! What a great place to spend a few (or more) hours. (And who could possibly leave Sparkles without some great beads!)

I was supposed to take a class there this evening, but the instructor was ill - class cancelled until next week. But that didn't stop us! We went anyway! :)

We are so fortunate to have Connie and her shop! She has the most beautiful beads, a fanstastic selection, and she makes us all feel welcome and special.

Even if you're not "local", if there's something you need - something you're looking for, call Connie. I'll betcha she can help!

Support your local bead shop!

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